Sunday, November 3, 2013

Daylight Savings Time

As autumn progresses on, a few things are certain.  It's going to get colder, the leaves are going to change colors, it's football season, and holidays will come and pass.  But one thing that has already happened that I don't quite understand is Daylight Savings Time, which happened for everyone yesterday.  The concept has existed for years, but even after all this time, I still don't get it.  Don't get me wrong, I know that we rewind the clocks back in hour in November and push them back ahead in April, but the concept seems so dumb to me.  Supposedly, we're saving an hour on daylight, but all we're doing is rewinding the clocks back.  It's not like we added another hour onto the day or something.  Also, why do we have to wait till 2am to rewind clocks back, when 1am makes more sense because then the day would actually be beginning?  Nothing really makes sense, but maybe I'm just bitter that it gets darker earlier and I have a lot to do this week.  Hopefully, I'm just able to wake up on time.

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