Sunday, November 24, 2013

This Freezing Weather...

Living in Massachusetts as long as I have, there are a few things you can be sure of this time of year.  The Celtics and Patriots will be playing, parking will suck, and it will be freezing cold outside.  I'm used to the weather, but in some ways I'm not, since ever since I lost all my weight, I've been able to feel the frigid air more than before.  And it has not been pretty.  I've had trouble breathing because the air is that strong, I've been shivering, and my hands have become so hard and chap that they bleed occasionally.  It hasn't gotten that bad yet, but it's close to getting there.  I'm using lotion and trying my best to be bundled up, but it just does not seem to be doing the job adequately.  I suppose I can't complain though; it's not like we've had any blizzards compared to last year.  The temperature has just been low because of the wind chill, which I hate almost as much, but know very little about.  Until things improve, all I can do is stay warm as much as possible and try and feel good about this weather.  That may be awhile, but thank god for furnaces!  Now if only mine would work when I wanted it to...

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