Sunday, November 24, 2013

Out-of-Print Merchandise

The Slifer The Sky Dragon Shonen Jump Card that I want
With the recession and the ability for consumers to purchase merchandise online at a premium, this is a great time to buy things, especially with Black Friday less than a week away.  I usually never buy anything on that day, but I do buy lots of things off Amazon: films, cards, etc., but one thing I cannot stand is when merchandise is out-of print.  When that happens, it causes one thing that would usually only be a few dollars to skyrocket in price like it's a collector's item, when most of the time it isn't.  For example, there are really old films that cost a lot, but that is understandable because it's historical and may be one of a kind.  And even then, it's still reasonable.  But when a Disney film is selling for $60, or a card like that Egyptian God card from Shonen Jump costs close to $100, that's when you know things are crazy.  Worst of all, there are people who go crazy buying all these things.  I understand why a person would because as a collector myself, it's something I can relate to, but there are times when you have to know when to say no and walk away.  It's tough to do, especially with something so tempting, but if you don't, you'll be paying lots of money for something you may never enjoy.  I wish it wasn't like this because people buy things online to save money, not pay more.  You expect these kind of crazy kind of transactions from businesses, but not from regular people like you and me. 

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