Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day was yesterday, but from the way things were around Boston, you'd never know it because many schools were in session and many people were working.  I understand that not all schools and workplaces have the same regulations when it comes to holiday's, but it seems so unfair that's the way things are.  Now, I'll be honest, in the past, I've overlooked Veteran's Day because I didn't really know what it was all about, and it was an excuse not to have school, but as I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate it's a time to celebrate and remember those who have served and protected our country.  What could be more nobler or patriotic than that?  I don't think many things are, yet people cannot enjoy it because of a few rules.  As I said before, I understand why some colleges and workplaces are like that, but it seems ridiculous we celebrate some irrelevant holidays so seriously, yet ignore ones that are important.  I suppose it's something to think about, but that will have to wait until the next Veteran's Day.

For those who have served and protected our country though, Thank You!

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