Friday, November 8, 2013

Bullying and Hazing

In my Psychology and Women class a few days ago, I handed in my project I had to do for the semester, which was a portfolio based on a topic that related to women.  It was very hard to pick a topic at the start of the semester since there were so many things that interested me.  But in the end, I decided to go with hazing in Greek life because I had always been interested in the topic, and being someone who was bullied themselves, there were some similarities.  Of course, after doing research, it's safe to say there more similarities than I expected, which was interesting, but also very unfortunate at the same time.

Time to get to the elephant in the room or the sports world though, which is the Richie Incognito story, where he bullied and hazed one of his teammates to the point that he had to leave the team because of an emotional breakdown.  I won't get too much into how I feel about it because I feel the same way everyone publicly feels, which is outraged something like this even happened.  When you're in a group of any kind, whether a fraternity, sports team, etc., you're supposed to stick together, which is why it's a shame this happened.  People let it happen.  And worst of all, the players are using the "Blame the Victim" theory, which is completely ridiculous.  Any person would realize that something wrong is going on, but of course, football players don't know better because of some code of being macho.  I usually try to defend men when the situation calls for it, but when I see dumb stuff like that going on, I don't think there's anyway they can be helped. 

Hopefully in the end, the victim can be though.  And someday, I hope bullying and hazing can be reduced/solved.

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