Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Day After...

As Thanksgiving and Black Friday have come and gone, I can't help but have mixed emotions on them.  Yes, they were both memorable events and part of the holiday spirit, but the anticipation for I had before they started came and left before it ever felt like they started.  In the large spectrum of food, celebration, and time spent saving money on deals, that may not seem like a big deal since those are the things that count.  But I think it matters since people put so much money into getting ready for Thanksgiving by making food, or saving up for that one key purchase, but then like that, it's over.  The food you spent hours on is gone in less than an hour, and that thing you wanted to purchase is something you often use sparingly, or don't think enough about to appreciate.  I may be thinking too much about this subject, but I can't help it.  Thanksgiving is over.  And now that it has come and gone, I can't help but feel sad about the reality now everyone will be back at school or at work, instead of doing things that make them happy.  Yet, I suppose that's how life is...

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