Thursday, November 28, 2013


It's Thanksgiving again!  That wonderful time of the year when autumn is in the air, the pigskin is being thrown around, and there's a delicious aroma of food.  I usually have a hard time picking my favorite days of the year because there are so many that I like and dislike, but there's no doubt Thanksgiving is one of my favorites for the reasons I just said previously.  Even in school, the day before Thanksgiving was always the best because we had pep rally's that were always a lot of fun, and since it was a half day, I could always hang out with my friends afterward.  In my mind, hanging out with my friend's on holidays is always a highlight because you get to experience it differently with people you care about, but doing it the day before isn't that bad either.  I miss those times, but I still have those fond memories of simpler times.

Since it's Thanksgiving, there are a limited amount of things on TV today.  There's the parade, football, and even wrestling (depending on if you like TNA).  But if you want an alternative to those things, you can do what I always do and watch Thanksgiving specials of your favorite shows and films.  Here are some suggestions I have...

The Recess episode "The Great Can Drive"

 A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Not to mention other Thanksgiving episodes of shows, like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, King of the Hill, The Simpsons, etc.  There are so many things you can watch and do on this day, but regardless, have a good holiday and eat well!

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