Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Radio Contests

Whenever I listen to sports radio, besides the interviews and sports talk, I always try to pay attention to the contests because there's always a chance I could win something.  The problem is, that out of all the contests I've entered, I've never won anything.  I've tried online, through texting, etc.  The only one I haven't tried is calling, but I'm either too scared to call, or the contest takes place when I'm busy, like in class.  I suppose I can't be too angry, especially if they're national contests like the one I've been trying to do for the past week, but it's so frustrating.  I'm a diehard listener to the station, and am always one of the first people to text in the code word.  I know the winner is chosen at random, but C'MON!  I've never won anything in my life, so it would be nice to win something for once.

Of course, I can keep complaining and complaining, but the only thing I can do now is keep on trying.  Here's hoping to me being a winner someday! 

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