Tuesday, April 15, 2014

One Year Ago...

A year ago today, one of the most unforgettable moments in my life happened when the Boston Marathon bombings went off.  In one aspect, I can't believe it's already been a year since then (when the memory still seems so vivid), but at the same time, I'm not surprised because as people, we have the ability to put the past behind us.  What I remember vividly from that day was that I was in Amherst, visiting my high school friends at UMASS for the weekend.  It was a great time, but because we had been traveling and going out every night, the last day, we all decided to stay in and relax.  That's when I got the first text from my sister, telling me what had happened.  I'll be honest, that I didn't take what she said seriously because I was half asleep, and thought it was just a joke; I mean, the marathon is usually so guarded, I didn't think anyone could ever set off a bomb, but within' minutes, the news and social media exploded, confirming that what had happened was real and serious.

After realizing what had happened, I called my dad because he was at the marathon scene with one of our friends, but luckily, he wasn't hurt.  After that, I did the only thing I could do, and watched the news, trying to figure out what really happened.  News was slowly coming, so I had to act like it was a normal day, when it was far from it.  My friends and I ate dinner that night, and I took the bus back through Boston the next day, but things were so different afterward; I could tell.  The city was silent, extra police were everywhere, and people didn't look happy.  Our city was hurt.

Within' the next few days, we found out major news that helped solve the case.  Footage from the cameras caught something, two boys were spotted leaving the scenes without bags, and from there, one of the biggest manhunts in Boston history happened.  I remember trying to go to the bank that day to open a bank account, but once city officials were sure the bombers were in the area, the whole city was closed for hours.  The hunt took over half the day, and left a few people dead unfortunately, but Boston police did their job and caught the bomber.

I won't go into detail about all the rest because you can find that information anywhere, and I'm not the most equipped to talk about it, but now that a year has past, I'm so glad that our city has found a way to recover a little.  We'll never be able to forget what happened, and unfortunately, we'll never be able to help those that were hurt/killed, but we can do what we can as a city to stand together.  I know the bomber will get his justice, but I just hate the fact a few people caused it when it hurt so many people.  Something like that seems to major, so the fact a few idiots did it is asinine.  If it was up to me, he'd get the death penalty, but that's another post for another day.  The important thing is that what happened last year is in the past, and now it's time to move forward and make positive memories.  I'm so proud of how we, as a city, have come.

Boston Strong!

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