Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Dream K-Pop Groups

As I've been listening to more and more K-Pop, I've come to a few realizations.
  • K-Pop is awesome and a mixture of just about every genre.
  • I'm surprised more people don't like it.
  • I wish I could be a K-Pop idol.

The first 2 realizations are probably pretty obvious if you follow K-Pop, but the 3rd one is one most don't usually expect because of the stigma of being an idol (especially a pop one).  But to those naysayers, I ignore them because being a K-Pop idol is great.  You sing, dance, go on tours to different countries, get lots of royalties, etc; it's something I dreamed about to some degree as a child since after loving the Backstreet Boys, I always wanted to be in a group myself.  Yes, there are negatives like the so-called "slave contract", and idols virtually have no free time or privacy, but it's not like that for everyone, and most look like they enjoy that lifestyle.  Alas, I know that will never happen to me.  I'm too old, can't sing, and can't speak a lick of any other language.

This got me thinking though, if I couldn't be in a group, what if I could make dream groups assembled with my biases/favorite members?  I know my dream groups could never be assembled in real life, but even if they couldn't, it'd still be cool to think about, so I thought of my dream male and female idol groups.  I have to admit, since I'm still relatively new to K-Pop, the lists and groups are small, but it's a start, and it gives you a taste of the groups that I like.

My only criteria is that I can't pick more than one member from a group, which is tough since I like multiple members from groups, but that's the only way to make it fair, and keep the members at a reasonable total.  Usually I have explanations for the choices I make on lists, but not this time, since these people are all my biases, which explains why I chose them in the first place.  With all that being said, here are my dream male and female K-Pop idol groups.

Male Group
  • Jun. K (2PM)
  • Bang Yongguk (B.A.P)
  • L (Infinite)
  • Key (SHINee)
  • Jo Kwon (2AM)
Female Group
  • Hyolyn (Sistar)
  • Suzy (Miss A)
  • Amber (fx)

Question: What are your favorite K-Pop groups, and if you could make a dream group, who would you pick to be in them?

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