Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Baseball Tease

The Red Sox season began yesterday, which I couldn't be more happy about being a diehard Sox and baseball fan.  Granted they lost, but it was a close game, and after last season, when they won the World Series, I'm not complaining.  I'm just happy they're back.  One thing I'm not happy about though, is the off day right after the first game for most teams.  I understand why Major League Baseball does it because of fear of rain delays, and in the Sox case, they're visiting the White House, but you've already hyped up Opening Day, so why kill the excitement with an off day?  Not to mention, if they're playing the same team, it seems pointless to give them a day off so early.  Save those days for later in the season when players actually need it.  I know this rant is very dumb, but I can't help it.  I love baseball, and as much as the average person thinks it's boring, I can't get enough of it.

Baseball, why do you have to tease us so?  Oh well, I'm sure you'll make it up with an exciting regular season.  Here's hoping!  And here's to the days of summer! 

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