Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Model Behavior


Did I get your attention?...

No, I don't know Kate Upton (though it would be awesome if I did) or any other supermodel, but something I've noticed is how harsh society is on models, despite the fact they appeal to so many people.  This isn't the first time I've brought it up how society treats women, but it is the first time I've talked about models.  To be honest, I don't pay much attention to them or many celebrity women in general since it's unlikely I'll ever meet them, and I don't know what type of people they are personally, but I have to say, Kate Upton is one of the most attractive women in the world.  She's obviously a beautiful woman, but she seems like a good person, that has worked hard her whole life to get to where she is.  Even if you don't like her, or think she's unattractive, you have to respect that.

One thing I don't like though, are those people who ogle at models or any other celebrities, but criticize them at the same time, or don't care about them?  I don't understand the point of that.  How can you truly get enjoyment from something you barely know?  Or how could you not care about them as human beings?  Like I said above, I don't know Kate Upton, but I wouldn't want to see her get injured, stalked, or hurt, like during a photo shoot.  But there are always those people who don't care, and just want to stare, which is wrong.  Models are people!  They're just doing their job.  They don't deserve to be dehumanized just because they're good looking.  If you act that way, then maybe you should stare deep and hard at yourself.

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