Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Yesterday, I reactivated my Facebook account for the first time in about 3 and a half years.  It was a momentous occasion because it had been so long, but I remembered why I left in the first place: because of personal reasons, it distracted me from school, and it was starting to get boring to the point that I wasn't even interacting with my friends anymore.  That was why I left, but I decided yesterday now was the time to come back.  And after waiting the mandatory 24 hours it took to reactivate my Facebook account again, I was back online.

My first thoughts were on the new format, since the last time I was on, timeline didn't even exist yet.  It took forever to get used to everything, but after hitting a few buttons and moving some things around, I think I'm getting used to it.  Although, like many, I'll always like whatever the previous format was better.  After doing that, I un-friended about 230+ of my 320 friends, which was harsh because some of the people were people I really liked or used to talk to, but that's the point.  We used to talk and be friends, but not anymore with everything that's happened, and all the time that has passed, so for Facebook to truly be mine and personal, I had to give many people the ax.  Hopefully, they don't take it personally.  It feels weird having so few friends, but it feels so right too.  I'll always have issues and worry with privacy when it comes to social media and anything online, but this is a step in the right direction, and having only the people I want know about me.

With it being over 24 hours since I've been online, I have to say, it feels good to be back on Facebook, being caught up with the world, and my friends, who are always going to be the most important people in the world (besides family).  I've been so overwhelmed with the likes and positive comments I've received, thatI could cry.  Is Facebook still distracting?  Yes and no.  Yes, because it's social media, so like anything involving people, it will distract, but the time away has made me realize I don't need to be on it all the time.  And with the new format, that isn't too hard to do.  You've been gone from my life for awhile Facebook, but I think now, I'm here to stay.

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