Friday, April 11, 2014

Mom's Just Don't Understand

With Mother's Day being a few weeks away, I should be more appreciative of my mom (and believe me, I am with everything she's done for me).  But like everyone who has a mom, there are just times when she drives me crazy.  Like today, she calls me just to ask if I've been eating?  I tell her of course I am, but she wants me to keep eating more, since she thinks I'm losing too much weight.  Her point is valid since I have been trying to lose weight, but I've been doing it to lower my blood pressure.  I thought she would understand because for years she hounded me about losing weight, but now she wants me to gain it all back; it makes no sense, and stresses me out to the point that I think even if I was ideally healthy, I'd still have high blood pressure because of everything I'm dealing with.  I know my mom is only looking out for what's best for me, but I wish she would see down the middle more, since if she did, she would understand how I really feel.

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