Saturday, April 12, 2014

Noisy Neighbors

If you've ever lived anywhere in the world, unless it's a desolate area, or the closest home/person is a few miles away, odds are you've had a neighbor.  I've had one my whole life, including at school, but since I live in an apartment/boarding house during the school year, I feel as though I have multiple neighbors.  It's not the worst thing in the world since they're all nice people, and more people around makes the place feel more safe, but there are times when they get on my nerves.  Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike them; I've certainly had worst in the past, but it's the subtle things they do that annoy me.  Like always using the bathroom when I need to (and taking forever to do it), leaving lights on, not controlling their pets, letting their kids run around, making lots of noise, etc.  I want to tell them to behave, but I know it's not the nice thing to do.  Then again, I wish people were more courteous or aware that when you share a house with someone else, there are other people who live there too.  I know this is all part of life, and one day, when I get my own place, I'll have new neighbors I have to put up with, but at least then, I'll have some quiet.  Now, it's always hectic.  I don't know what to do about the situation, but all I'm going to do is put some headphones in, and blur out the noise until it's gone.

Less than a month to go, and I won't be a neighbor anymore... 

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