Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Finishing The Year Strong

Because of the marathon yesterday in Boston, it was a busy/hectic weekend, but for everyone in the city, it was an event to behold.  I didn't actually get a chance to go to the marathon this year because of homework, but I watched some of it on TV, and still had a great weekend, seeing some old friends, ordering food, and just relaxing as a whole.  With the day off yesterday, I think I enjoyed the holiday too much, but now that there's only two weeks of school left, I'm ready to buckle down to the finish line.  There are a few things left that worry me, such as a debate I have tomorrow and a few essays I have due, but I know I can handle them; I just need to believe and stay composed like I have been this semester, and I'll be fine.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't blogged much the past week.  I've been so busy, but I will try to more now that the semester is drawing to the close.  Best of luck to everyone as school is reaching its end!

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