Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sleeping Habits

Sleeping habits are something that have always interested me.  Is that weird?  Some might say yes, but I say no, since we all sleep differently.  There are those people who pull the all-nighters that require very little sleep, those who always nap, and then there are those like myself who are in the middle.  I need sleep like everyone, but as long as I get a few hours, no matter how little, I can always force myself to get up, no matter the time of day.  I know that isn't healthy, but in college, it helps to have that sort of internal clock.  Although, it is annoying waking up minutes or seconds before the alarm when that little bit of time can make all the difference.

This is on my mind because the past few nights, I've had trouble sleeping, which can be attributed to a number of things.  I've been napping for a few minutes a day, which always ruins my schedule, and the warm weather has made my room so hot, I can't sleep whether I use a blanket or not.  I'm happy winter is over, but if there's anything I liked about it, it was that I had a much easier time falling asleep.  Now I feel tortured, staying awake, hearing the same things on the radio.  I suppose it isn't the worst thing in the world since at least I can sleep compared to others with insomnia, but it's not a habit I want to develop.  Hopefully, things change, or else these next few weeks are going to be tougher than they already are.

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