Friday, March 29, 2013

A Taxing Day

You ever have one of those days where you don't do anything, yet you still feel taxed, or drained of energy?  That's exactly how I felt today, where all I did was stay inside, eat, and work on my essay.  Staying inside and eating was okay, but working on my essay sucked because it was on The Crying Of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, which is one of the most confusing novels I've ever read.  I didn't do any actual writing today.  All I did was take notes on a database source I have to use for the essay, but even that took forever, and was almost as confusing as the novel.  I'm pretty worried about the next few days with my enormous workload, but I know I can get through it since I always have.  Here's hoping this essays isn't one of my worst ever though.

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