Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Weekenders On DVD!

(L-R) Lor, Tino, Tish, and Carver
Today is the day ladies and gentlemen, when one of my favorite shows of all time, The Weekenders, comes out on DVD.  The show, which told the lives of four kids, was great because of it's plot, fluid animation, and humor, like the kids always eating at a new pizza place every episode, or Tino's mom serving him weird food.  Not to mention, the show had a kick ass theme song sung by the Wayne Brady.  When the show first aired, it was so popular, that it was labeled "The Show That Killed Pokemon" because it aired at the same time-slot as it and stole all the ratings.  I have yet to order the volumes of the series yet since I'm having a hard time finding it, and I'm low on funds, but once I have enough, you know how I'll be spending my weekends.

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