Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I'm in the minority on this, but one food I really enjoy (probably to the surprise of many) is Spam.  Spam is that canned meat that comes in the blue can/tin.  There are many dislikes about it like not knowing all the ingredients, the taste, texture, and high sodium content, but I think those attacks are unfair, and here's why. 

In terms of the not knowing all the ingredients, you don't know lots about the food you eat, so why focus on Spam?  At least they give some ingredients.  You may not like the taste or texture of Spam, but that's the beauty of it.  Spam is so versatile that it can be eaten in so many ways, either fried, boiled, or even in sushi, which they do a lot in Hawaii.  The only legitimate attack of Spam is that it does have a lot of sodium, but newsflash, it's meat.  Like deli meat or any other canned meat, it's going to have a lot of sodium in it, so you just need to use your head to know whether or not to eat it.

As you can see from the picture above, Spam has been around for 75+ years.  It's thought lowly of by most  people now, but it didn't used to be like that during WWII, when all soldiers could eat was Spam when they couldn't get fresh food delivered.  It's funny how the image or thought of a food product can become so negative dramatically.  I'm not saying it's for everyone, because it isn't (especially if you have problems with blood pressure), but don't judge it without trying it yourself.  You might be pleasantly surprised. 

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