Saturday, March 23, 2013

Celebrities Going to Social Events

The most recent celebrity video

For those who don't know me that well, one thing you may not know about me is that I didn't go to my Senior Prom.  At the time, it was sad for me because I wanted to go, and had a few girls I really wanted to ask, but as I look back now, I wonder what the big deal was?  It's just a dance, not the decider of our lives.  I can see why people think so highly of it though, especially in high school, where social events matter.

This gets me to celebrities.  Within' the past few months to years, I've seen countless of them asked out to social events from Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, to Kate Upton most recently.  And while I think it's sweet that a regular person like you or me has their fantasy date fulfilled, something about it seems wrong.  I don't have anything with asking celebrities overall because who wouldn't want to go out with a celebrity, but I think that there are normal people who are just as deserving.  Like with Kate Upton being asked out recently (I posted the video above because I found it interesting and entertaining).  The guy in it seems nice enough, and obviously went to a lot of effort to ask Kate Upton out, which I commend him for, but are you telling me he couldn't ask someone he knew out to prom?  Why did it have to be her?  I understand Kate Upton is famous and very attractive, but there have to be attractive girls at his school he could ask.  And hypothetically, what if someone he knew actually liked him?  Then she would feel crushed that this guy is using all of his time on a supermodel instead of her.  Prom may of been a long time ago for me, but if I had a choice to go again, I can think of a few regular people I would be fine going with. 

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