Saturday, March 16, 2013


As a child, one of the shows I used to watch frequently was Zoom.  I'm not sure why that was since there were other shows on at the time, but I think I was drawn into all the experiments the kids did on that show, and the fact I could relate to them being a child myself.  When I was in elementary school, I had a chance to be on Zoom since they were holding auditions to find the next group of kids, but like an idiot, I didn't try out.  Looking back, I should of though because who knows what would have happened?  Plus, it would have been cool to be on TV.

So why am I posting about Zoom?  Because I was looking up stuff on Youtube and Wikipedia one day and was brought back to memories of my youth.  Zoom may not have been the greatest or best show at the time, but like TV back in the day, it was better than the stuff on now.

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