Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wes Goes West Into The Sunset

Over the years, I've been accustomed to my fair share of athletes leaving being a Boston/New England sports fan from Pedro to Ray Allen.  Now you can add Wes Welker to that list because as of yesterday, he is now a member of the Denver Broncos.  He signed a 2 year/12 million dollar deal, which is a steal when you consider his production the past few seasons, which is more than some elite receivers.
  • 2007-2008: 16 games played, 112 catches, 1175 yards, 10.5 yards a catch, 8 touchdowns
  • 2008-2009: 16 games played, 111 catches, 1165 yards, 10.5 yards a catch, 3 touchdowns
  • 2009-2010: 14 games played, 123 catches, 1348 yards, 11.0 yards a catch, 4 touchdowns
  • 2010-2011: 15 games played, 86 catches, 848 yards, 9.9 yards a catch, 7 touchdowns
  • 2011-2012: 16 games played, 122 catches, 1569 yards, 12.9 yards a catch, 9 touchdowns
  • 2012-2013: 16 games played, 118 catches, 1354 yards, 11.5 yards a catch, 6 touchdowns
I know that some people will go against these stats since Wes Welker played with Tom Brady, or only plays slot receiver, but stats are still stats.  Wes may not be Calvin Johnson or Larry Fitzgerald, but he deserved to be paid for everything he's done for the New England Patriots (even if he didn't win). The fans are angry at him for leaving to go the the rival Broncos and Peyton Manning, but the Patriots didn't want him back, disrespecting him with a 2 year/10 million dollar deal, so if you should be angry at anyone, direct your anger toward the Patriots organization.  They've done this with athlete's before like Ty Law, Richard Seymour, and Randy Moss, so this should come as a surprise to no one.

I'm not trying to rip on the Patriots organization because I am a fan of their team, and I like Robert Kraft, but this is a mistake on management (Bill Belichick).  When your star quarterback Tom Brady restructures his contract so you can resign players, you sign his favorite receiver, and offer him a contract he deserves (not the BS deal they offered yesterday).  New England fans, I know you're hurt, but don't be bitter; it just makes everyone look bad.  So, let's just congratulate Wes Welker on his new deal, and thank him for the past 6 seasons in New England because they were spectacular, and something we'll never see again.
Thanks for the memories Wes!

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