Saturday, March 2, 2013

Viral Videos

Whenever I'm on Youtube and see a video that has lots of views, I wonder how it can go from just a popular video one night to viral video/overnight sensation the next?  It doesn't make much sense to me because sometimes it can be something legitimate like Susan Boyle's "I Dreamed A Dream" to stuff that's bad like Rebecca Black's "Friday", Carly Rae Jepson's "Call Me Maybe", etc.  There's no formula!  You can tell from my writing that I don't find viral videos amusing, but that's only because they're fads and really stupid! 

People have no originality anymore because they never like anything themselves anymore.  They only like what other people like, which is a shame since when they do that, they take away a part of themselves that makes them unique.  Added onto that, they waste a lot of time watching or listening to the same thing over and over again, when they could be doing something productive.  I know viral videos aren't going anywhere anytime soon, but I really wish they would. I love Youtube, but all their recommendations for viral videos like "Harlem Shake" are starting to get on my nerve.  I'm a human being, and I can make my own decisions myself!

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