Monday, March 4, 2013

Waxed Dental Floss

As someone who is both Obsessive Compulsive and with germophobia, I'll never complain about anything that helps my body hygienically, but one thing I dislike is waxed dental floss.  Dental floss in general is a good thing, I know, but waxed dental floss is just annoying.  Since it's thought of to be "special", they give less floss, make it smell a certain way, and make it so hard to grab onto.  After you use it for awhile, the floss breaks.  I know this can happen for any dental floss, but waxed ones are worse, especially since they do give less and charge more for it.  I know my teeth are very important to live, but I wish there were better/easier ways of keeping them clean. 

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