Monday, March 25, 2013

Misogyny In Society

Recently, I was made aware of an situation that occurred on sports radio, where Ted Johnson, former New England Patriots linebacker, insulted ex-teammate Vince Wilfork's wife by calling her ugly.  It already looks bad enough as it is on the surface, but digging deeper into it, this situation is a small example of misogyny and it's role in society.

Misogyny, for those of you who don't know, is having an intense hate/dislike for women.  I'm not breaking any new ground by saying it's everywhere, but my question is why that's the case?  Women are human beings just like men, but that doesn't seem to make a difference to people.  No matter where I go, I can't escape someone criticizing them, whether it's on TV, the radio, or whenever I'm around people, and they're saying stuff like "Women suck at driving".  It just isn't right, especially when people are generalizing about things that may not be true.  People don't like it when it happens to them, so I don't think they should be doing it to women specifically, especially when we all have faults. 

I'm not saying misogyny is wrong just because I'm a feminist; I'm saying it's wrong because it causes a lot of negativity, and takes away the importance of women in society.  This isn't the 18th and 19th century when women had no roles.  This is the 21st century, where women can do anything now, and they deserve to be respected for it.

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