Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Just when I thought I was done finding new K-Pop stuff to listen to since 2PM, SHINee, and miss A haven't released anything new I haven't heard yet, 2AM comes out of nowhere into my life.  And I have to say, they're now my second favorite K-Pop group after 2PM.  Why?  Well, for one thing, I love ballads, and since 2AM is a ballad group, they had me won over from the start.  Also, they have great vocals and sing with such heart.  I'm not saying 2PM or SHINee don't have great vocals because they do, but there's no doubt there are members in their groups that have stronger voices than others, while in 2AM, their voices are in unison, which makes sense since again, they are a ballad group.  After listening to them, I can see why some people call them the Korean Boyz II Men.  A stretch perhaps, but I love all their songs, and love their members, Jo Kwon, Seulong, Jinwoon, and Changmin.  I know it sounds like I'm being a JYP Entertainment homer because I like most of their groups, but give their songs a listen, and I think you will be touched like I've been.  It's a shame they don't get more publicity because they don't do as much dancing, or ripping their shirts off, but that's what makes them distinct.  And as I always say, that means more for us true fans.

Enjoy IAMS!

This is 2AM's song "You Wouldn't Answer My Calls".  I'm not sure if it's my favorite song by them, but it's one of their earliest hits, and one that leaves such a vivid image in my mind.  POWERFUL!

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