Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Year In Review

There's only a few hours left in 2013, which is hard to fathom, considering how I never thought I'd make it to this point so many times this year.  During those times, things really did feel that bad, but now that I've had some time to reflect, they weren't that terrible;  I struggled with family, relationship, and school issues like any person, but I got through them to have one of my best years in ages.  Yes, lots of my friends moved away, but I've still been in contact and seen some of them.  I got my best grades in school this past calender year, and I've progressed a lot in terms or my confidence, which is important for the future.  It's always sad to move on from something good, but no need to feel down, since that just means more opportunities in the future. 

It's not New Year's yet, but Happy New Year everyone!  Let's make 2014 as great as 2013 was!

I often ask/wonder what New Year's means, and this sums it up pretty nicely

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