Friday, December 27, 2013

Picture Of Your Life

I nearly almost dropped a picture frame in my house today, but luckily, was able to catch it before it broke.  As I caught it, I stared at the image, which was a picture of my mom.  It was striking, not just because it was an image of my mom in the past, but because of the fact, it was a picture.  Pictures are everywhere in the world now, especially with the advancement of social media and technology, but rarely do I see pictures developed and put into picture frames anymore.  Yes, people can post pictures online, but there's something disconcerting to me about posting so much information online.  Pictures are supposed to be personal, not things anyone can see.  And they represent a part of your life, which is why people hold onto them for sentimental reasons.

With Christmas now over until next year, and the fact I didn't get many presents (which is the norm now that I'm older), I think the perfect present I could get from anyone would be a picture frame with my family or friends in it.  It's simple, but it would mean a lot to have them with me (such as at school), even when they're not around.  Also, as crazy as it sounds, sometimes you forget what some of your friends look like, if it's been a long time.  Pictures can obviously never capture the real thing, but it's nice to see them at all, and remember the memories, which is why pictures are so important. 

I'm not a very photogenic or photo-positive person, but perhaps it's time I start being that way...

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