Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finished With Classes

I just woke up from a 2 hour nap, which is nothing extraordinary, besides the fact I did it knowing I finished classes officially today for the semester!  Best of all, I handed in/took 2 of my finals already, so I only have 1 left I have to take on Tuesday.  It sucks I have to wait so long because now I have to use money on food, and I really want to go back home, but some time to study will do me some good and keep me motivated.  Whenever it gets to this point in a semester, I always look back and reflect since I have a good memory, and remember the first days of all my school years, so I'm just amazed it came and went so fast.  At that time, the semester felt eternal, but now that it's basically over, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hope anyone who has finals or is finishing school ends it strong!

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