Friday, December 13, 2013

Friends Forever?

As I get older, one of the things that surprises me is how scared I am of lots of things.  Most people think you're more scared as a child, but that's only because of age and discovering fear for the first time.  Once you get older, I think you get scared about the responsibilities of school, being on your own, and what I've started to notice the past few years, which is that the people who once mattered in my life aren't around that much anymore; it's something that pertains not just to family, but friends as well.

When I was in high school, I had this absurd notion that my closest friends and I would stay friends forever.  Where I got this notion from?  I'm honestly not sure.  I know some of it was from TV because all the shows I watched like Boy Meets World and Saved By The Bell had their friends staying together for life.  Another influence were my parents because they both still keep in contact with friends from their childhood.  And if they could do it, why not me?  My friends and I were close, we were good people, and most of all, we had core values that were unique and made us stick together.  But even we couldn't plan for the future.  There were other schools outside of state, new job opportunities, the chance to start life anew, or people were just busy with their own priorities if they were still here.  It's something that's hard for me to adjust to, but I understand it since we're all getting older now.

Currently, I have what I would define as no social life.  Most of my high school friends are gone or too busy with their own stuff.  And others, I just grew apart from or had falling outs like all people do.  It's sad things ended up that way, especially since at the time, we almost seemed inseparable, but you can't be friends with everyone your whole life, which is why I'm glad for the few friends that are still there for me.  We all may still have our whole lives ahead of us, but there's a reason why we're still friends, and I hope we break the trend and do last forever.

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