Monday, December 16, 2013

Shoveling Snow

Living on the East coast (or any place that gets snow), it's pretty common to see people shoveling this time of year.  It's a pain to do, but unless you have a snow-blower or plows magically learn to fit on sidewalks, it's the only thing you can do to clear snow.  Usually after every storm, I help out shoveling, but since I couldn't this time, I watched as all the inches of snow accumulated.  That was bad enough on its own, but add the snow to all the ice that was on the ground from the previous week, and you had terrible travel for drivers and commuters like myself. 

When I went to school this morning, I feared the worst, but was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't that bad outside.  The temperature wasn't that cold and some of the snow was melting already, which gave me high hopes.  But my hopes quickly disintegrated when I saw some of the sidewalks I had to walk through were piled high with snow.  I couldn't believe it!  I wanted to go around the snow somehow, but since I couldn't, I took the plunge and just walked right onto it, with my jeans and shoes getting soaked from the ordeal.  Eventually, I got through all the walkways of snow and reached school, but my walk to school took an extra 15 minutes and I nearly slipped a few times.

Looking back on my morning now that a few hours have passed, I suppose it wasn't that bad.  I got some studying done, returned my rented books, got some candy, and even found an alternative, albeit more dangerous route back to my place, which avoided most of the snow.  But I cannot get over the fact that people did not shovel their walkways.  It's been a little over a day now since it stopped snowing!  Are you telling me that you couldn't find the time to make it a little clearer?  Or put some ice salt down or something?  I understand being a little lazy, but when your laziness has the potential to hurt or inconvenience someone, that's when I think it's wrong.  You live in Massachusetts.  You know the drill with snow.  I swear, they should make a law fining people for not shoveling, unless they have a good reason.  It's ridiculous that it's this tough to get around!

With more snow on the way tomorrow, hopefully it isn't worst, or else I'm going to have another tough day getting around, which I certainly don't want as finals end tomorrow.

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