Friday, December 13, 2013

My First Resume

Like everyone, whenever I accomplish something, I can't help but feel proud.  There haven't been many instances in my life that I could do that, but I can honestly say, I feel that way now because I just completed my first resume.  I have to admit, it probably isn't perfect, and was only created as a final assignment for class, but I MADE IT!  I'm not sure if you understand that.  I have no experience and don't think I have any important qualities, so making this is a big deal since I didn't think it was possible for me to make one.  I wish I could take credit for making it, but credit has to go to those at Career Services for helping me.  They talked to me, and gave me handouts, which had resume tips and sample resumes I could look at to help format mine.  Since the resume I made is only for a writing job, I'll probably have to make another, but I don't mind now because after looking back on the experience, it was pretty cool and definitely rewarding.  I just wish I had more information to put on mine, but you have to deal with what you have.  Regardless, this is a step in the right direction for my confidence and my future.  Even though I'm late, I hope I can make it.

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