Wednesday, December 4, 2013

PS4 And XBox 1

In all my years of being a fan of video games, I can't recall as much buzz about gaming systems I know as little about as the PS4 and XBox 1.  I know they're the next generation video game systems of the top 2 gaming brands out there (sorry Nintendo), but that's it.  Other than that, everything I know is from commercials, parodies of it (like on South Park), and all the news stories I hear about what people will and have done for them.  It's crazy to think gaming systems cost over $600-700 and controllers over $50 now, when back in the day Sega and Nintendo 64 merchandise costing between $100-200 was too much.  I guess it shows how far technology has advanced in 20 years, or how obsessively crazy everyone has become.

I have yet to physically see or try either system, but they both look nice, while the graphics are ridiculously realistic.  In the past, I think I preferred the Xbox more than Playstation because my friends and I played games together more on that, and to me, it seemed a lot cheaper.  But now, I think I've shifted toward being a fan of Playstation since there's no question I play games on it more, there's less bugs, etc.  Of course, I'm no expert on gaming, but these are just my two cents on the two new gaming systems.  I only know one friend who has a PS4, and he says it is awesome, but there's no one else besides him.  Everyone may prefer new technology, but like a lot of things in life, I like the classic/vintage stuff.  Luckily, my Gameboy Color and Sega Dreamcast still work, so while everyone is playing their new stuff, I'll be stuck in the old.

If only my batteries and memory card still worked...

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