Sunday, December 8, 2013

Downloading Music

Yesterday, I made an iTunes account for the first time ever (late, I know) because I wanted to download some K-Pop music I've been listening to.  It surprised me how much I wanted the music since usually I just ask my brother to help me or wait, but what surprised me even more was how complicated it was making an iTunes account.  There was so much information I had to put in, as well as other security features, which I was not prepared for.  But all things are like this now for protection, which I appreciate.

With that being the case, that brings me the issue of downloading music.  Everyone knows piracy is such a huge issue because it is easy to do and difficult to enforce.  But I do not think people should do it, whether for music, movies, or anything.  Yes, I know it saves money, and companies have boatloads of it, but think of all the musicians you listen to.  Some of them are struggling and need the sales to earn a living.  And for ones who do make a profit, depending on a contract, they may not even receive much money.  This reasoning is the way K-Pop fans feel because they truly love and want to help the musicians they listen to.  Some may think this is silly, but I don't think it's silly to obey the law and help support the musicians who bring happiness into our lives with the music they create.   

Downloading anything is a yes or no thought process, but know that it's more than that, and we, as individuals, have the choice to make a difference.

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