Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Half The Effort

At this time of the semester, when there's only one full week left of school, everyone is tired.  We're tired of the syllabi, the homework, the tests.  And we're just tired of going to class in general.  I think it's natural for teachers to assume students feel this way, and being a student myself, others vocally make it known how tired they are of school.  But one thing I cannot stand is when a student gives half the effort in class during this time.  In high school, this was something called "senioritis", when students at the end of the year didn't care about work or school anymore because they were on their way to graduation, but I hate it.  Why?  I hate it because it sends the wrong message to other students, and laziness is just so unbecoming of a person.  Also, you worked so hard the past few years to get to this point, so why stop now when you're so close?  I understand wanting to take a break, but what if something happens, like something messes up with your financial aid, or you slack off so much, you fail a class you need to pass?  I know these are all extremes, but they do happen to people.

In the end, I suppose I'm in the minority how I feel about this since I think anyone would want to celebrate being done with school; I just think there is a better way to do it than giving half the effort.  And if you do that, at least keep it to yourself.  We don't like having things rubbed in our faces.  Some of us are still trying to learn and are giving it our all.

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