Thursday, December 19, 2013

Delivery Men At Your Service

They say "There's no such thing as a terrible job, just a job done terribly" (or something like that).  Even though I've never worked before, it's a saying I wholeheartedly agree with since getting a job of any kind and doing it well is difficult.  That's why I've never understood why people hate delivery men so much (I know there are delivery women in the world, but since I've never met or seen one, for the context of this post, I'll just talk about men).  Yes, some of them can have bad moods, but think about where things from their position.  They deliver things for a living, have to take orders from higher up, their jobs aren't guaranteed, and they work long hours with sometimes long commutes.  I'm not saying other jobs don't have these things, but delivery men are around in the world all the time, whether they're delivering packages or a pizza. 

This is on my mind because yesterday, my family tried having furniture delivered for the 2nd time, but like the 1st time, one piece got scratched.  It's not the deliverer's fault since they just picked the furniture up from the warehouse and delivered it, but most people would blame them, when I really think they they should back off.  Delivery men aren't perfect, but some of them (like those I met yesterday) are nice guys, just trying to do their jobs.  We wouldn't want to be constantly judged, so I think people should ease off on their treatment of these guys, especially since they're here to help/serve us.

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