Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

With New Year's day now over, I'm doing what many people are doing/have done, and thinking of resolutions I want to accomplish.  Some people are picking "getting a girlfriend", or "winning the lottery" as resolutions, but I don't think that works since it has to be something that you alone can accomplish.  Although, if those did count as resolutions, I'd want those same things.  Since they don't though, here are some things I want to accomplish this calender year.

In no particular order...
  • Graduate from college: It's my 5th year at school, so hopefully this is the year.
  • Stay in contact with one friend from college: This sounds easy, but if you live off campus and are introverted like myself, it's difficult meeting any people.
  • Get a job: This needs no explanation.
  • Learn to drive: Not something I really want to do, but this would be a major achievement for me and maybe make my life easier.
  • Lose 5-10 pounds: For my health and self-esteem.
This isn't much, but it's a start and they're realistic goals.  I don't know if I'll be able to do all of them, but with a whole new year ahead of me, sky's the limit.

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