Friday, January 31, 2014


I'm pretty fickle when it comes to picking what my favorite things are.  If you ask me to name my favorite sports athlete or film, you'll get an answer, but you'll also get lots of other answers along with it.  One thing I'm not fickle about though are my favorite numbers.  I love the number 6 because of Bill Russell, who won his whole life, and was really the first athlete I looked up to because of everything he had to deal with.  Numbers I hate are numbers between 70-79.  No, it's not because I hate NFL offensive and defensive lineman; it's because whenever I take quizzes or tests in school, no matter how much I study and try, that always seems to be the grade range I get.  I should be used to it by now, especially being in school for as long as I have, but seeing any grade with a 7 makes me angry.

I question all the time why it's like this for me.  I study more than most people, know I try harder in certain classes (especially gen eds), and think I'm a decently knowledgeable person, yet no matter what, I always fall short.  It stinks, especially when there are people out there who don't try as hard, and yet, somehow they get better grades.  We all know those type of people; I just wish it didn't have to happen during my last full semester, when so much rides on me passing and every grade is make or break. 

In my earlier years of school, a grade in the 70-79 or C range devastated me because I was always so close to proficient, but now I try to look on the bright side of things.  I got between a 70-79, but I didn't fail.  And being this close means that I'm one step closer to getting to the 80-89 range.  I just have to work a little harder, which I know I am capable of doing. 

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