Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jun. K's Birthday

When it comes to birthdays, I'm always excited for them because they're days to celebrate and reflect.  I usually look forward to mine (barring any personal thing I'm dealing with), and definitely look forward to my friend's birthdays.  But when it comes to people I don't know or celebrities, I don't pay much attention since I don't know them at all.  Sure, we "know" them now that social media is everywhere, but it's not the same as getting to know that person in real life.  This time, though I'm making an exception. 

In case you didn't know, Martin Luther King's birthday is today, but he already has his own day Monday, so I'm not focusing on him.  Today, I'm celebrating the 26th birthday of Jun. K, the main vocalist of my favorite K-Pop group 2PM.  He's a great writer, and has a voice which is angelic and very unique to K-Pop.  I won't get into that too much since I have in the past, but if you haven't heard him sing, check him out.  You won't be disappointed.  Now, I don't know Jun. K, so technically he does break my rule, but his music with 2PM has affected me so much, it's like I do know him and have a connection with the group.  I know some of you may think I sound crazy saying that, but if you follow K-Pop and have a favorite group, it's hard not to feel connected to them.  They're very different than other artists in the world.

With all that said, Happy Birthday Jun. K!  I hope 2014 is a good year for you and the group, and can't wait for all the new music coming out with the rest of the guys.  I'm only one fan, but know that we HOTTEST support you!


   2PM's song "At Times/Suddenly", which Jun. K wrote.  I've posted this beautiful song before, but this is a different version with English subtitles

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