Sunday, January 12, 2014

Vegan and Vegetarianism

Tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment for a blood pressure check, which shouldn't be a big deal, but for me, it always is.  Having a history of high blood pressure that runs in the family, and being so stressed about everything always puts my health at risk.  Eating lots of food used to add to that, but I changed my diet around the past 2 years to help alleviate the problem.  Unfortunately, with holidays and break, I definitely ate more than I should off, which probably caused my weight to go up.  With health on my mind, lately, I've been contemplating a huge decision, which is if I should become a vegan or vegetarian?

Now, don't get me wrong, I like meat as much as the next person (and don't even like that many vegetables besides soft ones), but when it comes to your health, you have to do what's best.  And research statistics have shown cutting meat can add years to your life.  I'm not an expert of the subject by any means, since I didn't know there was even a difference between being a vegan or vegetarian, but I have friends who are/were vegetarians.  Those who have stuck with it are strong and seem happy, but those who go back to meat can't imagine living without it, and wonder how they did it for so long.  I don't know if it's something I could do, but I think it's something to definitely consider.

In the end, here's hoping to a good blood pressure check tomorrow.  I may be stressed a bit, like I always am, but I feel content with where I am in life.

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