Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Under Pressure To Be Healthy

Yesterday, I went to the doctor's, and the results were average to say the least.  My health is good, and my blood pressure has gone down, but I gained back more weight than I thought I did from the holidays, so now my mission is to lose 10-15 pounds.  I wish I could say this would be a cakewalk, since I've already lost 50 pounds, but everyone knows the last few pounds are always the hardest, and that it's hard going on any diet for an extended period of time.  I know I can do it, and am determined to, but it's so frustrating having high blood pressure at such a young age.  I thought it was my weight that made it high, but even after losing it, I still have issues.  And worse of all, in the past, when my weight was high, my blood pressure was low, but now that I weigh less, my blood pressure is high.  THAT MAKES NO SENSE, and is frustrating as hell!  With results like that, I sometimes question the system or how I'm even functional.

The thing I question even more though is genetics.  I understand that diseases and other things run in the family, but I can't understand how my brother is healthier, despite the fact he eats more greasier foods than I do.  Not to mention in such large quantities.  To add onto that, I know people who weigh more than me, but somehow they're healthier.  How can this be?  I love being young, since it gives me an easier chance of improving my health, but when I think about it in the grand scheme of things, it sucks.  I'm always under such pressure to be healthy, while others aren't.  But at the same time, I know there are others who have it worse than I do, so I'm grateful my health isn't too bad.

It sucks I gained my weight back, but I guarantee that the next time I see my doctor, I'll be thinner.  Hopefully, I'll be healthier, but only time will tell...

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