Sunday, January 19, 2014

Peace Out Break!

I'm going back to school for this upcoming semester later on today, which means a number things.  Besides the fact I won't be able to watch any football games, that means my winter break is over.  It's a pretty sad revelation, considering that my last final was barely over a month ago, but all things eventually have to end so there's progression in life.  I always enjoy my breaks since it's time away from school, and an opportunity to see friends, but this break, I didn't do much of it.  I enjoyed the holidays while they were here, and saw a decent number of my friends, but after New Year's, everyone got busier, so I couldn't see them.  Like I've said before, I know this happens, but I'm still pretty bummed out about it.  I had so many expectations and plans this break, but nothing I really wanted to do happened which stinks.

But like many things in life, you have to put anything negative behind you and move on.  I wish I could have done more over break, but now that it's over, I'm hoping I do well in school in my final semester. 

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