Sunday, January 12, 2014

Unproductive Day

Being a busy person (like everyone else in the world), I understand that some days I have my "A" game and other days I don't.  When I don't, I like to think that I'm still a little productive, but today, that wasn't the case.  Despite the fact I was up early, walked to the bank, ate food, and ordered textbooks for my upcoming semester, the day was still a waste for me since I slept for a majority of it.  And when I say majority, I mean half of it.  I suppose sleeping in isn't a terrible thing, especially because I usually never do, but since I only have one full week left of break, I want to experience it to the fullest, which I can't do if I'm sleeping.

Today was an unproductive day for me, but hopefully tomorrow is a better day.  

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