Friday, January 24, 2014

Time To Breathe And Heal

A whole week of school hasn't technically gone by, but my first week of classes is over, so I'm counting that as a whole week of school done with.  Only 13 weeks of school to go.  I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I can't help it; this first week of school has been so long and rough.  It felt like it would never end, but now that it's Friday, I finally have some time to reflect back on the past few days.

Tuesday was difficult since it was the first day and everything that could've went wrong happened.  I had to get a book from the bookstore, but while I was walking there, I slipped on ice, and scabbed both my hands trying to break my fall.  They weren't bad, but they were definitely bleeding, so I had to clean them up.  After that, I rented the book I needed, but missed the bus in the process.  I only had 40 minutes until class, so I walked over to the other campus in the single digit degree weather, which stunk.  I got to my classes, which weren't so bad, but they definitely seemed like they'd be a lot of work.  Luckily, all the professors seemed cool/nice.  Then later on in the day, I tried going to my Spanish class in a new building, but my ID didn't work, so I was locked in the cold, until someone came and let me in.  It was a terrible first day, accentuated by the cold and the concern I had about my classes.

Day 2 was better since I only had one class, which gave me time to relax and get ahead on reading, which I found very interesting.  My Intimate Partner Violence class I'm taking has some subject matter that make me uncomfortable, and some very long assignments, but the class seems interesting, and is definitely doable if I do the work, which I know it can do.  I didn't feel amazing day 2, but after switching my schedule around, I felt better, which carried over into Day 3 yesterday, where I had the best day of class so far.  I took notes, passed a quiz, participated in class, and didn't freeze to death.  I'm already tired of school after only a few days, but it's times like this that I'm glad I have some time to stop, breathe, and heal.  I need it.

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