Monday, January 20, 2014


With class back in session less than 24 hours from now, there's a myriad of emotions I'm feeling.  The two I'm feeling most are anticipation and fear.  On one hand, I'm anticipating starting classes, and finishing my final full semester at school, but at the same time, I'm fearful I might make a mistake, since 6 classes leaves little room for error.  I have options/resources to help me, but I want things to go right for a change, and that involves me not being afraid and doing things for myself.

Being in school now for 15-17 years, I know what to expect out of the first day.  There are jitters, but I know the day as a whole is mostly relaxed since all teachers usually do is goes over their syllabi.  Despite that, I'm always a little intimidated by the syllabi I see.  They have so much information with dates, classwork, homework, examinations, etc.  Sometimes the information on them is clear, but other times it's not.  And when the teacher doesn't print out the syllabi, that's annoying because most likely, you're making the students pay for something you should give, and if they have questions, they can't ask you them in person.  I know e-mail is convenient and even preferred by most students, but there are some things that can only be cleared up in person. 

School's tomorrow, and I've already received a few preliminary assignments and syllabi.  At first glimpse, the syllabi look daunting, but after reviewing them and starting some of the work early, it isn't that bad.  I just need to relax and get a week or two under my belt first, then I'll be in the flow of things.  Of course, things can always change in an instant, so hopefully, this final full semester is a good one.  I know though, by staying committed and working hard, I can do anything, and no matter what, I'm going to do well this semester!

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