Friday, January 3, 2014


After spending the whole day yesterday going back and forth out of the house to shovel snow, I'm not looking forward to going back outside, but what's done must be done.  When it comes to winter storms like we're prone to having in New England, I often contemplate which is worst, the snow or the temperature?  Most people would say snow without hesitation since when it falls, it piles up and makes life difficult for everyone.  But to me, the temperature is the worst since it makes everything colder, and makes the snow harder and heavier.  It didn't happen as much yesterday since that was only the beginning of the storm, but with more snow last night, I'm sure shoveling will be tougher today.

One thing I noticed while I was shoveling snow though, was how terrible gloves are.  They offer protection, but don't seem to offer enough of it (if that makes sense).  For example, my gloves are made out of some really warm fibers and have have straps, but that doesn't do any good since my fingers still get really cold.  It could have to do with my fingers, but everyone knows that they get cold fastest besides your toes, so gloves should be better made for everyone.  I'm sure there are ones out there that cost more, but companies shouldn't charge more for something like that.  It just isn't right. 

My gloves may suck, but I have snow to shovel.  For those of you doing the same, be careful.  It's cold out there.

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