Friday, January 17, 2014

Waiting For Nothing

Humans have broad spectrum's of emotions, from good ones to bad ones.  I wish I could say I was happy most of the time, but because of everything I deal with (like most people), I'm pretty stressed, which makes me feel down.  Lots of things make me feel this way, but I don't know if anything makes me feel worse than just waiting.  Waiting is a part of life for everyone, but for me, waiting builds up into anxiety, which causes me to think too much about so many things.  For example, currently, this whole week, I haven't really talked to anyone via text or anything.  No one has tried to contact me, and the people I've tried to contact haven't responded back at all.  I understand that happens because we all get busy, but it's sad when you don't hear from people in awhile, especially when it's your friends.  I know this is a feeling that will pass, but I hope that my friend's are doing well, and that this feeling ends soon.

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