Friday, January 24, 2014

1 Year Ago...

A year ago, I started something I never thought I would take seriously, which was my blog.  I had tried writing blogs before college started, but it was too boring and tedious for my taste.  As I got older though, and realized how unrealistic it was to be a writer with no backup plan, I started to take blogging seriously since I could make a career out of it, and get ideas at the same time.  When I first started blogging, ideas flowed like crazy, and I was writing close to 30 times a month.  Naturally, the numbers went down with school and other responsibilities, but I still blogged 15-25 times a week.  Some topics were interesting, like films or sports, while other things looking back, never should have seen the light of day (like soap).  But that's how writing goes, and I'd rather write something down than nothing at all. 

With that in mind, I'd like to start off the day by saying Happy Anniversary to my blog for lasting a year, which I never thought it would be able to do.  I wish I could take all the credit for it as the author, but there's a few people I'd like to thank for it succeeding the way it has.  First, I'd like to thank my friend Quincy, since he was the one who inspired me to create a blog in the first place.  And even though he doesn't blog much anymore, I still blog for him in spirit.  Secondly, I'd like to thank all of my friends because of their reading and support of this blog.  I know I couldn't do it without you guys.  Lastly, I want to thank you readers/viewers since I wouldn't have my blog without you guys.  I know you all are busy with your own lives, so regardless of whether you comment or view it, I just want you to know, it all matters.  Thank you!

1 year has come and gone, so now it's time to make year 2 even better!

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