Saturday, January 25, 2014

Nail Biting Pain

I have a confession to make...I bite my nails.  Nothing too shocking, considering how many people I know do it, but it's a bad habit I've had my whole life.  In the past, I never thought of it as anything negative since biting my nails was what I always did (and as disgusting as it sounds, it was like a free manicure), but as I got older, my fingers started to hurt, so I did it less and less.  I do it now every so often, but definitely not as much as before.  The problem is, with the harsh weather outside, my fingers are feeling a bulk of the pain, especially my finger nails.  I've tried to heal my fingers and nails by using lotion or leaving it alone, but it doesn't seem to be doing much.  I wish they'd hurry up and heal, but I wish this frigid New England weather would just disappear.

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